Death, Dying, And The Soul After Death
The Teaching Of The Orthodox Church
A Pre-Lenten Retreat using Zoom January 23-25
Thursday and Friday: 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Saturday:9:00AM – 11:00 AM Suggested Donation:$30
To register, go to
Led by Br. David Clark and his co-pilot, Br.Ignatius.
We will explore the following questions:
Why death is the final enemy to be destroyed?
How did come into the world?
Why do the Orthodox reject original sin and prefer the teaching of ancestral sin?
Why is Jesus the new Adam and what does His death and resurrection mean for how we now experience our own death?
Why death is such a wrenching experience?
What is the dying experience like according to the Orthodox experience?
What is the experience of the soul immediately after leaving the body?
Does the soul really go through the “toll houses”?
What is the problem of the “immortality of the soul? for Orthodox Christians?
Why does the Church teach that there is no repentance after death?
Why then, does the Church pray for the dead?
What is the difference between paradise and heaven and hades and hell?
Why have we allowed “professionals” that is, those in the medical industry
and funeral home professionals to take over the death of our loved ones?
How has secularism affected our views about dying and death?
How has the hospice care industry changed our view of death and dying and what does the
Orthodox Christian need to know about hospice practices?
How can we as Orthodox Christians take back our care of our loved ones who are dying?
Why does the Orthodox Church teach that God does not “send anyone to hell”?
Why does the Orthodox Church reject the Latin teaching of purgatory?
Why should Orthodox Christians not fear death?
Will every human being that has ever lived (including those aborted) be raised?
What is the difference between the preliminary judgment and the final judgment?
What does the icon of the Last Judgment teach us?
Why are we to think about our own death every day? Isn’t this morbid?
And…any other questions you have about death and dying.