The Wilderness Vigil Retreat is an opportunity to encounter the wilderness face of Christ. Just as Jesus journeyed out into the wilderness to fast and pray so you too will trod in His Holy footsteps. It is an opportunity to sit in the Presence of Mystery. Seeking to encounter Christ in the wilderness is where as C.S. Lewis says: “the old magic is still about”. In this wilderness vigil the wilderness is seen as a kind of trysting place…a holy place, away from any distractions where God can woo his beloved.
From Holy Scripture:
“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her”. Hosea 2:14
As Martin Dugan, the great orthodox story teller puts it:
“I went into the woods to be wedded to the wild and I came out wedded to Christ”. The wilderness vigil is a place where we can do nothing and God can do everything!
In the Wilderness Vigil you will be like some old desert hermit brother or sister where you will find a contemplative “holy spot” out in the wild to sleep, dream, think, read the Holy Scriptures and most of all pray and wonder as God holds you in the midst of His wild creation.
The wilderness vigil will span 7 days in total and includes four days and 3 nights fasting alone in the wild.
The first couple of days are spent orienting to the area and finding your “holy spot”. There will be one-to-one sessions, and ongoing sessions with the wider group (usually up to 6).
Then you will leave base camp and head out to your “holy spot”. For the next few days you will be completely alone fasting in a wild place while David, your guide, keeps watch at base
On the 4th morning you will return to base camp for a gentle reorientation to a new world. When fed and rested you will tell your story which will be mirrored back to you by your guide, David.
There will be two Wilderness Vigil Retreats offered the summer of 2024.
One Retreat will be specifically oriented to young people from the ages of 18 to 23. While the basic format will be the same we will focus on exploring a rite-of-passage entering into an
adult appropriation of living a life committed to Christ and how God might be calling you to live out your gifts offered to the world as a Holy vocation.
The other Retreat will be for all ages.
Location: a beautiful wilderness canyon about 30 miles from Canon City, Colorado
Retreat fee: $500. Since the retreat spaces are limited, a deposit of $250 is required to reserve your space. Payment plans are also available and no one will be denied a spot because of monetary challenges
These two Retreats will be offered Summer of 2025. Location of these retreats will be held in Southern Colorado. The exact location will be provided when the dates are scheduled. Registration may be made at any time to reserve a space. If you have any questions, please call David – 970-946-3344.